Unearthing My Past
A personal project on Identity & Diversity.
I did not set out to create this art project. It unfolded bit by bit, over a decade, a personal story from deep in my heart. A journey in search of my own identity which took me through DNA ancestral migrations originating in Africa, travelling up to Northern Europe and eventually southwards through Sardinia to Cyprus.
The first body of work was created by simply placing a lump of clay in front of me and working my fingers through this cool, earthy, material. No sketches, no preliminary ideas. It felt like a meditation in clay! As the work came to life it felt like I was creating my ancestral family! I used alternative firing techniques which gives the work an archeological feel. It was as if I had come across a tomb in a field in Cyprus and carefully excavated precious finds.
It made me want to look at all my past work. I opened up my old portfolios from school art lessons to university, my first studio, first jobs, relocations across continents and new languages. Retrospection brought introspection. I realised that my identity was not just about nationalities and their culture. More importantly it was about the sort of a person I wanted to be. Respectful, accepting, kind, giving, loving.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could pass this message on through my art? I exhibited the work, an installation, at the Centre For Visual Arts & Research in Nicosia, Cyprus, titled “Unearthing My Past”. I identified 4 workshops which link to specific sections of the installation. These Creative Workshops, called “Unearthing” are now run by art educationalist Jenny Brown in schools and art centres in Cyprus.